Document 1905 DOCN M94A1905 TI The role of traditional birth attendants (TBA's) in AIDS education, Ethiopia. DT 9412 AU Mulugeta W; Tekele H; AIDS Control Programme Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):424 (abstract no. PD0303). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370670 AB OBJECTIVE: To strengthen channels of IEC on AIDS through active involvement of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA's) in the Regions. METHODS: TBA's who actively served their community were selected from 10 regions. Training on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS was given through lecture, demonstration and site visits for five days. IEC materials; reusable gloves; scissors and disinfectants were also supplied. RESULTS: A total of 4000 TBA's were trained in ten regions who in turn disseminated information and educational messages through informal and traditional channals such as 'Edir', 'Maheber', 'Senbete' and during attending delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Regional training of TBA's has strengthened the channels of communications and created linkage between health institutions and the community. As the result identified TBA's as a focal point for future establishment of community based home care in Ethiopia. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Community Health Nursing *Education, Nursing, Continuing Ethiopia Female *Health Education Home Care Services/ORGANIZATION & ADMIN Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Midwifery/*EDUCATION Pregnancy MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).